PDF Form Filler - How to crop PDF file
For Zapier, Integromat and others plugins insert custom profiles
into profiles
field. For API calls please set value as string in profiles
parameter as string.
PDF form filler endpoint (pdf/edit/add
endpoint) can crop PDF files. PDF Filler is usually used to add text and images on top of existing PDF files but it can also adjust cropbox for output PDF.
{ "Pages[0].SetCropBox()": ["28", "28", "539", "284"] }
Applies To:
The crop box is defined by a rectangle (x, y, width, height) in PDF Points (1 Point = 1/72 in.
). Rectangle calculations:
A4 page size in Points: 595 x 842
Crop rectangle:
x = 0.39 * 72 = 28
y = 0.39 * 72 = 28
width = 595 - 0.39 * 72 - x = 539
height = 842 - 7.36 * 72 - y = 284
Or we can check coordinates from PDF file using this interactive editor that displays coordinates: https://app.pdf.co/pdfviewer