How to add profile to request
IMPORTANT: for every KB product sections, there is Profiles
article. Check this article to find sample profiles for that specific endpoint or a product. To see all KB product sections, click here
You can add the profiles
parameter in the Custom Profiles
To add a single profiles param property, you can use the format below:
{ "zipExcludeFilter": "*.doc*,*.xls*" }
To add multiple profiles param properties, you can separate them using a comma.
'GenerateBookmarks': true,
'BookmarkTitles': [ 'BookmarkName1', 'BookmarkName2', 'BookmarName3' ]
Make (Integromat)
The step is the same as in Zapier except you will add the profiles
param in the Profiles
To add a single profiles param property, you can use the format below:
{ "zipExcludeFilter": "*.doc*,*.xls*" }
To add multiple profiles param properties, you can separate them using a comma.
'GenerateBookmarks': true,
'BookmarkTitles': [ 'BookmarkName1', 'BookmarkName2', 'BookmarName3' ]
You can add the profiles
param in your Postman JSON code. For multiple properties, you can separate them with comma.
"url": "",
"inline": true,
"profiles": "{ 'DetectNewColumnBySpacesRatio': '2.0', 'OCRMode': 'TextFromImagesAndFonts' }"
You can assign the profiles param values to a variable. To see some of the advanced options, check out this sample code
profiles = '"TrimSpaces": "False", "PreserveFormattingOnTextExtraction": "True" '
You can add your profiles param in a JSON file and call the JSON file in your program. To see it in action, check out our sample code here
Sample profiles pram config inside a JSON file
"profiles": "'TrimSpaces': 'False' , 'PreserveFormattingOnTextExtraction': 'True'"
You can assign the profiles param to a variable. For multiple profiles param properties, you can separate them with comma. We have a sample code with advanced conversion option here
String profiles = "{ 'TrimSpaces': 'False', 'PreserveFormattingOnTextExtraction': 'True' }";
You can assign the profiles param to a const variable. For multiple profiles param properties, you can separate them with comma. We have a sample code with advanced conversion option here
const Profiles = "{ 'TrimSpaces': 'False', "PreserveFormattingOnTextExtraction": 'True' }";
You can assign the profiles param to a variable. For multiple profiles param properties, you can separate them with comma. We have a sample code with advanced conversion option here
$Profiles = '{ "TrimSpaces": "False", "PreserveFormattingOnTextExtraction": "True" }'
You can add your profiles param in a JSON file and call the JSON file in your program. To see it in action, check out our sample code here
Sample profiles pram config inside a JSON file
"profiles": "'TrimSpaces': 'False' , 'PreserveFormattingOnTextExtraction': 'True'"
You can add the profiles param in the --data-raw in the format below:
"url": "",
"inline": true,
"profiles": "{ '\''DetectNewColumnBySpacesRatio'\'': '\''2.0'\'', '\''OCRMode'\'': '\''TextFromImagesAndFonts'\'' }"